CultivAcing Knowledge:
Exploring the Fascinating World of Agriculture
Less Applied and More Phosphate in the Plant
In early March of this year, the grower applied 10 gallons per acre of EVEN MORE 8-24-0 on pistachios thru drip irrigation. In prior years, they were applying a competitor 7-21-0 at 15 gallons per acre.
Calcium & Phosphate: Soil Nutrients that Deliver the Perfect Balance
There are two soil nutrients that have the strongest influence on plant growth and reproduction. These two are calcium and phosphate.
Increasing Fruit Size with Potassium and Manganese
Plants use a lot of potassium during the period when they are filling their fruit. One of potassium’s role in the plant is to expand the cells.
Spring Nitrogen Applications
We are rapidly approaching spring fertilizer applications. For the most part, this means applying high amounts of nitrogen on most crops.
Why Don’t Foliars Work Every Time?
Have you ever noticed that one time a foliar works and the next time or in a different field it doesn’t? Here are a few reasons why you may have the problem.
Diagnosing a Nutrient Problem
Sometimes things are not always as they appear at first glance. Your first assumption might have been that the FREE pHOS was not a very good phosphate product, but it actually was BETTER than the other products
Plant Nutrients for Free!
How many of you think that you can get something for nothing? Usually, if it looks too good to be true, it probably is, correct?