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Calcium Acetate Liquid Fertilizer

CaAce is a premium 5% Calcium Acetate liquid fertilizer designed to correct a calcium deficiency.

Calcium, as a nutrient, plays a vital role in plant cell regulation, strengthening cell walls, and preventing fruit breakdown during storage. It is an indispensable nutrient for overall plant growth and function.

One of calcium's key functions is its involvement in cell division. Every newly created cell requires calcium. By supporting cell wall development, calcium helps plants withstand environmental stresses. It regulates enzyme activity, influencing essential biochemical reactions necessary for growth, nutrient absorption, and overall plant health. Calcium, as a nutrient, is used in communication as a secondary messenger linking environmental and developmental stimuli to their physiological reactions.

CaAce 5% Calcium Acetate delivers a supply of calcium in order to correct a calcium deficiency. Some soil conditions can induce calcium deficiency. These soil conditions include low soil pH, high levels of magnesium, potassium, or Ammonium, and low CEC soils with limited calcium-holding capacity.

Choose CaAce to supply your crops with calcium and correct calcium deficiency. CultivAce's commitment to excellence and our high-quality calcium acetate liquid fertilizer will help you achieve optimal crop growth and maximize your agricultural success.

Soil factors affecting availability:

  • Low soil pH

  • High levels of magnesium, potassium, or Ammonium.

  • Low CEC soils (sands) cannot hold much calcium

Benefits of Calcium As a Nutrient

  • Controls cell division 

  • Essential for nitrate uptake and metabolism

  • Essential for starch metabolism

  • Controls cell wall development

  • Regulates enzyme activity

  • Promotes root development and enhances nutrient uptake

  • Improves plant cell division and elongation for healthier growth

  • Supports nitrate uptake and metabolism, optimizing nitrogen utilization

  • Facilitates starch metabolism, leading to increased energy storage and crop yield

  • Strengthens cell walls, enhancing plant structure and resilience

  • Regulates enzyme activity, promoting efficient biochemical reactions for growth and development

CaAce Calcium Acetate Liquid Fertilizer Jug


2013 Cherry Trial | Download

Guaranteed Analysis

  • Calcium (Ca) …………… 5.0%
Derived from: Calcium Acetate

9.23 lb/gal @ 68℉

COMPATIBILITY: This product is compatible with most pesticides, however, it is not possible to test all pesticide mixes. A jar test is recommended before use.

General Use Recommendations

DILUTION: Field and row crops: 3 to 20 gallons by air, 10 to 40 gallons by ground. Tree crops: concentrate 50 to 100 gallons, dilute 100 to 500 gallons.

Net weight 23 pounds

Suggested Uses

(rates par acre)

Crops such as, but not limited to:

Alfalfa, hay and other forage crops :: 1 – 4 quarts after early spring growth and after cutting.

Apples, cherries, peaches, almonds, walnuts, pears, stone, pome fruits, citrus and nuts :: 1 – 4 quarts per acre at 2 to 4 week intervals.

Barley, oats, wheat, rice, and other small grains :: 1 – 4 quarts – Apply at tillering, early boot and flag leaf emergence.

Beans, peas and other legumes :: 1 – 3 quarts – Apply at early bud, repeat after bloom.

Cabbage, broccoli, carrots, onions, tomatoes and other vegetables :: 1 – 4 quarts – Apply when growth is 4 – 8” high. Repeat every 2 weeks as needed.

Corn, field and sweet :: 1 – 4 quarts – Apply when 10 – 20” high, repeat in 2 – 4 weeks as needed.

Hops :: 1 – 4 quarts

Lettuce, celery, spinach and other leafy vegetables :: 1 – 4 quarts – Apply after transplanting or thinning, repeat as needed.

Hazelnuts, pistachios and other deciduous trees :: 1 – 4 quarts – Apply at bud break. Repeat every two to three weeks.

Potatoes :: 1 – 4 quarts – Apply at tuber initiation, repeat in 2 – 4 week intervals.

Raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, blackberries :: 1 – 3 quarts – Apply pre-bloom repeat every 2-4 weeks.

Grasses grown for seed :: 1 – 4 quarts. Apply at tillering, early boot and flag leaf emergence.

Information regarding the contents and levels of metals in this product is available on the internet at


NOTICE: Manufacturer makes no warranties, expressed or implied. The buyer assumes all risks associated with the use of this product. In the event of damage resulting from a breach of warranty, the buyer agrees to accept a refund of the purchase price as full discharge of the manufacturers liability.

CultivAce Acetate Liquid Fertilizer

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