Organic Calcium Carbonate Fertilizer
Calcium6, our exceptional organic calcium carbonate fertilizer, boasts crucial benefits for organic crop production.
Calcium often underestimated, plays a vital role in plant development, like nitrogen and potassium fertilizer. Our Calcium6 formulation includes a clean, organic certified calcium carbonate fertilizer, uniquely designed for stimulating biological activity within the plant.
Calcium6 is meticulously processed, ensuring the highest calcium quality. This is a true liquid product, and so particle size and therefore clogging of sprayers is a non-issue. This clean liquid product enhances calcium assimilation.
By neutralizing organic acids, our organic calcium carbonate fertilizer aids in water and nutrient uptake. Calcium, as a nutrient, is shown to guard against well-known fruit and vegetable disorders, such as bitter pit, blossom end rot, and tip burn. Moreover, it optimizes water penetration and soil flocculation, displacing harmful sodium ions and buffering salts in the root rhizosphere. This promotes an ideal environment for root growth.
Calcium fertilizers like Calcium6 provide calcium to correct calcium deficiency. Calcium, as a nutrient, is shown to reinforce cell walls, increase turgor pressure and cuticular thickness, and support cell division. This is vital for healthy plant growth and fruit sizing. Calcium benefits include increased nutrient uptake, soil reclamation, stress tolerance, and nitrogen uptake enhancement.
Our organic calcium carbonate fertilizer is a powerful tool to ensure your crops thrive, withstanding adverse conditions and promoting bountiful, healthy yields. Experience the transformative impact of Calcium6.
• Necrosis at young leaves' tips and margins
• Bulb and fruit abnormalities
• Premature leaf loss
• Deformation of the affected leaves
• Highly branched, short, brown root systems
• Severely stunted growth
• General chlorosis
As an approved organic input by the Washington State Department of Agriculture, Calcium6 complies with the highest organic standards. This ensures a high-quality, clean, and certified for organic use product.
Benefits of Calcium as a Nutrient
•Enhances fruit firmness and storability
• Increases nutrient uptake in plants and root systems.
• User-friendly with most irrigation systems.
• Easily integrated into most nutrient programs (some phosphorous restrictions).
• High corrective rates with no detrimental risks.
• Best for managing soil salinity and minerals.
• Aids in soil reclamation and health.
• Improves soil porosity and stress tolerance.
• Enhances nitrogen uptake (NH4).
• Prevents premature leaf loss (senescence).
Guaranteed Analysis
- Calcium (Ca) ... 6.0%
9 lb/gal @ 68℉
COMPATIBILITY: This product is compatible with most pesticides, however, it is not possible to test all pesticide mixes. A jar test is recommended before use.
Alfalfa, hay and other forage crops :: 1 – 4 quarts after early spring growth and after cutting.
Apples, cherries, peaches, almonds, walnuts, pears, stone, pome fruits, citrus and nuts :: 1 – 4 quarts per acre at 2 to 4 week intervals.
Barley, oats, wheat, rice, and other small grains :: 1 – 4 quarts – Apply at tillering, early boot and flag leaf emergence.
Beans, peas and other legumes :: 1 – 3 quarts – Apply at early bud, repeat after bloom.
Cabbage, broccoli, carrots, onions, tomatoes and other vegetables :: 1 – 4 quarts – Apply when growth is 4 – 8” high. Repeat every 2 weeks as needed.
Corn, field and sweet :: 1 – 4 quarts – Apply when 10 – 20” high, repeat in 2 – 4 weeks as needed.
Sugar Cane :: 1 – 4 quarts per acre.
General Use Recommendations
DILUTION: Field and row crops: 3 to 20 gallons by air, 10 to 40 gallons by ground. Tree crops: concentrate 50 to 100 gallons, dilute 100 to 500 gallons.
Net weight 22.5 pounds
Suggested Uses
(rates par acre)
Crops such as, but not limited to:
Grapes :: 1 – 4 quarts – Apply dormant, pre-bloom and post-bloom as needed.
Hops :: 1 – 4 quarts
Lettuce, celery, spinach and other leafy vegetables :: 1 – 4 quarts – Apply after transplanting or thinning, repeat as needed.
Hazelnuts, pistachios and other deciduous trees :: 1 – 4 quarts – Apply at bud break. Repeat every two to three weeks.
Potatoes :: 1 – 4 quarts – Apply at tuber initiation, repeat in 2 – 4 week intervals.
Raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, blackberries :: 1 – 3 quarts – Apply pre-bloom repeat every 2-4 weeks.
Grasses grown for seed :: 1 – 4 quarts. Apply at tillering, early boot and flag leaf emergence.
Information regarding the contents and levels of metals in this product is available on the internet at http://www.aapfco.org/metals.htm
NOTICE: Manufacturer makes no warranties, expressed or implied. The buyer assumes all risks associated with the use of this product. In the event of damage resulting from a breach of warranty, the buyer agrees to accept a refund of the purchase price as full discharge of the manufacturers liability.