CultivAcing Knowledge:
Exploring the Fascinating World of Agriculture
Nutrient Interaction
When we apply fertilizer for crop production, we should be focused on getting our soil in balance. The biggest problem that I see is that growers think that if there is a problem, they need to apply a large dose of a nutrient.
Plant Nutrients That Can’t Totally Come From a Foliar
There are three nutrients that can’t totally be supplied by applications of foliar sprays. The three are calcium, potassium and phosphorous.
Soil Sampling
When is the best time to take a soil sample? The best answer that I have is to ask what you want to see from the soil. If you take it after harvest…
FREE pHOS 24 Trial
We just got the results from one of our trials on FREE pHOS 24. I was on field corn and the products were both applied as a pop up directly on the seed at planting.
Why Don’t Foliars Work Every Time?
Have you ever noticed that one time a foliar works and the next time or in a different field it doesn’t? Here are a few reasons why you may have the problem.
Soil Applied Potassium
What form and when should potassium be applied to the soil? The best answer to this question can be found in an article found on our website “Potassium Paradox.”
Diagnosing a Nutrient Problem
Sometimes things are not always as they appear at first glance. Your first assumption might have been that the FREE pHOS was not a very good phosphate product, but it actually was BETTER than the other products