CultivAcing Knowledge:
Exploring the Fascinating World of Agriculture
An Interview with Dr. Khan and Dr. Mulvaney – Authors of the Potassium Paradox
Having read the paper, "The Potassium Paradox" myself, I thought that it would be interesting to track down the researchers at the University of Illinois who wrote the paper and ask them a few questions I had about their research.
Are You Wasting Precious Profit on Plant Nutrients?
It is commonplace in many parts of the US to fall-apply phosphorus and potassium. Growers often think this practice can build soil P and K levels while increasing yield and maintaining soil nutrient availability.
Applying Phosphorus and Potassium - New Research
It is commonplace in many parts of the US to fall-apply phosphorus and potassium. Growers often think this practice can build soil P and K levels while increasing yield and maintaining soil nutrient availability.
Increasing Fruit Size with Potassium and Manganese
Plants use a lot of potassium during the period when they are filling their fruit. One of potassium’s role in the plant is to expand the cells.
Nutrient Interaction
When we apply fertilizer for crop production, we should be focused on getting our soil in balance. The biggest problem that I see is that growers think that if there is a problem, they need to apply a large dose of a nutrient.
Soil Applied Potassium
What form and when should potassium be applied to the soil? The best answer to this question can be found in an article found on our website “Potassium Paradox.”