phosphate liquid fertilizer 8-24-0
In a Western Kansas farm trial, different treatments including Free Phos 24 and Tune Up+ were tested against traditional fertilization, yielding insightful results in terms of bushels per acre at harvest. | Download
In Sedgwick, Kansas, a trial compared the cost-effectiveness of Free Phos 24 with standard practices on a 10-acre field, revealing equal yields but with notable savings in product volume and cost. | Download
In Montpelier, Indiana, a trial comparing Free Phos 24 with standard fertilizer treatments on a 10-acre field showed a significant 13 bushels per acre improvement in yield, highlighting the effectiveness of Free Phos 24. | Download
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Free Phos 24 Resources
For 2023, we conducted multiple trials, here are 9 separate trials to help solidify the results that can be expected, when incorporating Free Phos 24 into almost any corn program in the Midwest. It has always been CultivAce’s goal to thoroughly investigate the efficacy and development of our product line.
Our Mission in 2023
2023 Iowa No Till Corn Trial
In our 2023 Iowa No-Till Corn Trial, a unique comparison was conducted between Free Phos 24 and a standard treatment on a sizable cornfield.
The trial was initiated in early May and harvest was in mid-October, showing an improvement in gross return.
2023 Ohio Corn Trial
In our Ohio trial, a comparative study was conducted on a farm in Washington Courthouse on corn. The trial, initiated in mid-May, employed alternating treatments across different field sections.
Our results highlighted a subtle yet consistently noteworthy difference in yield performance, demonstrating the potential benefits of the treatments used.
2023 Michigan Corn Trial | 8-24-0 v. 9-24-0-2S
In a trial at Mount Pleasant, Michigan, Free Phos 24 yielded 137 bushels per acre, surpassing the standard fertilizer's 131 bushels per acre.
Despite limited rainfall, Free Phos 24 achieved a higher gross profit of $685 per acre, compared to $655 per acre of the grower standard.
In Colfax, Wisconsin, we conducted a field trial, testing the effects of foliar applying 1 gallon per acre of Free Phos 24 on two corn hybrids equal applications of 10-34-0, ZInc EDTA, 1.5 lbs of Sugar, and 1 gal/acre of K-Row.
The goal was again, to improve gross yield per acre, when comparing it with standard fertilization methods. Free Phos 24, consistently makes moderate, translateable gains in yield profit.
2023 Wisconsin Free Phos 24 Foliar Corn Trial
2023 South Dakota Corn Trial
Free Phos 24 isn't just a phosphorus fertilizer; it's also a beneficial carbon source. With the inclusion of a carbon source, it provides essential carbon compounds. As the soil microorganisms feed on this carbon source, they contribute to improved nutrient cycling and overall soil health.
Left: Growers Standard | Right: Free Phos 24
2023 Wisconsin Free Phos 24 Corn Trial
In the Wisconsin trial, CultivAce's Free Phos 24 demonstrated its superiority over a standard treatment comprising 10-34-0, K-Row, Zinc EDTA, Humic Acid, and Sugar. Applied to corn varieties DKC and P9193, Free Phos 24 yielded a notable increase in gross returns: $995 per acre for DKC and $1,050 for P9193.
This outcome highlights Free Phos 24's potential in not just enhancing crop yields but also in offering a more profitable solution in comparison to conventional nutrient mixes.
Grower Success Stories
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Download the Full, 2023 Free Phos 24 Corn Trial Booklet
Get access to 9 trials, proving the efficacy of Free Phos 24 and its benefits across multiple trials in the Midwest.
Find out what Free Phos 24 could do on your farm
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