Calcium – How Much Does the Soil Need?

How much calcium do we need in our soil? If you use a Morgan test, you should have a minimum of 2,000# per acre and as a percent of base saturation, we should have 65% to 70% of the total bases.

Why do we need these rates? Calcium, as most elements, perform many functions in the soil and for the plant’s growth. Calcium flocculates the soil allowing water and air to penetrate. This also makes root penetration easier. Calcium is required in plants for cell division as well as cell structure.

Some of the indications of inadequate calcium is soft fruit, blossom end rot in tomatoes and stunted plant growth at the growing point.

In low pH soils, it is a constant struggle to keep adequate calcium. It should be a part of a good fertility program. If the calcium levels are maintained, it is easier to release other nutrients to the plant. This also helps when adding foliar nutrients.

For more information, contact us at 503-559-6972 or via our Contact Form.


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